My references

Extensive references, in France and internationally, at the service of large nuclear operators, engineering and service companies, safety authorities and training organizations, and covering the entire life cycle of installations from design to dismantling.

Let’s envision the future together.

Click on the logos for details of completed missions.

Electricité de France (EDF) Fusion For Energy (F4E) Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC)
TechnicAtomeAREVA NPCommissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
Tractebel EngieInstitut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN)Université Aix-Marseille
Lyondell BasellArmée de l'Air et de l'Espace

Electricité de France (EDF)
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the ten-yearly safety review (renewal of operating license) of the BCOT (Base Chaude Opérationnelle du Tricastin – INB 157) on the ORANO site at Pierrelatte:

    * Collection and analysis of the operating experience feedback of the facility over the past ten years
    * Inventory of the facility as built, and assessment of the compliance with all regulatory requirements
    * Writing of technical deliverables including risk analysis (fire protection, radiation protection, waste management…)
    * Writing of the complementary safety assessment report (“stress tests”) following the Fukushima-Daiichi accident
    * Assistance to the operator during steering meetings with the French nuclear safety authority (ASN), onsite visits and technical meetings with the experts of ASN’s technical support (IRSN)
    * Writing of technical deliverables to answer IRSN’s nuclear safety queries as part of the reviewing process (including fire / explosion, radiation protection, confinement, earthquake, flooding, man-made hazards…)
    * Negotiation of the action plan with ASN and IRSN, and writing of the operator’s letter of commitments
    * Implementation of the requirements pursuant to the provisions of ASN’s regulatory decision
    * Update of the safety report (RS) and the technical specifications (RGEs) of the facility
    * Update of the dismantling plan of the facility
    * Writing of the regulatory files aimed at ASN for material and documentary modifications
Base Chaude Opérationnelle du Tricastin
Base Chaude Opérationnelle du Tricastin (BCOT) (radioactive maintenance facility) (France)
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the overhaul of the existing emergency plans according to EDF’s new standards of the BCOT (Base Chaude Opérationnelle du Tricastin – INB 157) on the ORANO site at Pierrelatte:

    * Writing of all organizational and operational documents, and update of conventions with third parties (other nuclear operators on the site, fire brigade, hospitals, weather forecaster Météo France, river operator Compagnie Nationale du Rhône…)
    * Justification of the sizing and operability of the emergency plans
    * Definition and justification of the trigger criteria leading to the launching of the emergency plans
    * Definition of the maintenance requirements of the emergency equipment, and writing of associated records
    * Definition of the training theoretical and practical requirements, and writing of training material and final knowledge tests
    * Writing of the regulatory file aimed at the French nuclear safety authority (ASN)
  • Technical assistance for the realization of the preliminary project of ICEDA (Installation de Conditionnement et d’Entreposage des Déchets Activés – INB 173) in design phase on the Bugey site:

    * Consideration of functional requirements and constraints specific to the project
    * Technical support to the British engineering company (British Nuclear Group / Project Services) in charge of defining the process
    * Critical analysis of the proposed pre-project studies
    * Orientation of the design according to safety rules and internal practices at EDF
    * Writing or technical verification of deliverables (nuclear safety, radiation protection, environment, radiological zoning, cleanliness / waste zoning, fire sectorization, functional analysis, process, handling, ventilation, effluents, etc.)
    * Translation of technical deliverables into French
    * Final presentation of the project to the client EDF for the nuclear safety and radiation protection topics
Installation de Conditionnement et d’Entreposage de Déchets Activés (ICEDA) (activated waste treatment and storage facility) (France)
  • Revision of the nuclear safety referential of the AMI (Atelier des Matériaux Irradiés – INB 94) on the Chinon site:

    * Identification of the framework applicable to the safety reassessment project: regulatory requirements, commitments to the Administration, EDF internal doctrine
    * Assessment of compliance with applicable requirements and identification of deviations
    * Summary of strengths / weaknesses and associated recommendations: reduction of the source term, operational modifications, technical modifications
    * Re-evaluation of the source term released in the event of an accident: fire, earthquake, external flooding
    * Calculations of radiological consequences in the installation and in the environment
    * Revision of the post-renovation safety analysis report and technical specifications: description of facilities and activities, safety analyzes, list of elements important to safety
  • Writing of a radiation protection study note for the evacuation of radioactive packages and shells from Chinon A3 (INB 161):

    * Writing of the initial provisional dosimetric evaluation
    * Optimization of dosimetry by relocating workstations
    * Optimization of dosimetry by modifying the intervention methodology
    * Optimization of dosimetry by modifying operations by type of package
    * Writing of the optimized dosimetric evaluation
  • Writing of a detailed design environmental analysis for the evacuation of radioactive packages and shells from Chinon A3 (INB 161):

    * Review of regulatory and other applicable requirements
    * Analysis of inputs and outputs of the work site
    * Identification of environmental aspects and assessment of associated impacts
    * Control of environmental aspects
    * Summary of the detailed design environmental analysis
  • Nuclear safety and occupational health and safety support for the dismantling of the main dome of the fast breeder reactor Super-Phénix (INB 91) on the Creys-Malville site:

    * Assessment of the risks associated with the planned dismantling scenario
    * Definition of countermeasures and intervention conditions
    * Writing of a health and safety analysis for the workers
    * Writing of a nuclear safety analysis for the installations (equipment important for safety) and the environment
Cutout drawing of the main dome of Super-Phénix (France)
  • Technical assistance for the response to the call for tenders for the dismantling of electromechanical equipment outside of the reactor pressure vessel of Saint-Laurent A2 (INB 46):

    * Writing of the provisional dosimetric evaluation of the operations
    * Writing of the “Radiation protection and radiological cleanliness” chapter of the technical offer
    * Writing of the chapter “Fire and explosion”
    * Writing of the chapter “Ventilation and limitation of releases into the environment”
  • Technical assistance for the response to the call for tenders for the partial dismantling of CEOC, EDOR and TFOR piping systems of Saint-Laurent A1 and A2 reactors (INB 46) :

    * Writing of technical questions to specify the input data for the tender
    * Writing of a summary table listing all of the tender requirements (204 entries) and their application in the technical and commercial offer
Bâche TFOR à Saint-Laurent A
Tank on TFOR system at Saint-Laurent A (France)
  • Technical assistance for the response to the call for tenders for the dismantling of zones 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the reactor building of Super-Phénix (INB 91) on the Creys-Malville site:

    * Evaluation of the costs / deadlines for the 12 nuclear safety / health and safety / environment deliverables required for the consultation: nuclear safety, health and safety, radiation protection, human factor, tritium, lead, asbestos, anoxia, fire, environmental analysis, gaseous discharges, liquid discharges
  • Technical assistance for the response to the call for tenders for the dismantling of the HR reactor cavern and the primary and auxiliary circuits outside of the reactor vessel of Chooz A (INB 163):

    * Participation in technical framing meetings of the consortium
    * Contribution to the distribution of technical lots between account managers of each company
    * Inventory of nuclear safety / health and safety / radiation protection / environment deliverables to be produced

Fusion For Energy (F4E)
  • Nuclear safety support to owner F4E for the design and construction of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor – INB 174) :

    * Review of nuclear safety related documents submitted by the architect engineer and its contractors during design and construction phases, writing of related assessment sheets, and technical advice where needed
    * Training and mentoring of a newly appointed junior engineer in charge of nuclear safety support to owner
Tokamak at ITER (France)

Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC)
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the stress tests of the Belgian nuclear power plants of Doel and Tihange in response to the Fukushima-Daiichi accident:

    * Examination of the reports provided by the operator Electrabel and its technical support Tractebel Engineering
    * Consideration of Bel V’s technical evaluation
    * Writing of a preliminary assessment report
    * Participation in technical meetings with peers (nuclear safety authorities from France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Spain, Romania, Slovenia)
    * Writing of the definitive stress test reports for the Belgian nuclear power plants aimed at the European Commission (progress report, final report and action plan)
    * Briefing of the Director General and the Agency’s spokeswoman for their external communication with the media and the political class
    * Technical review of press releases prior to their publication
Belgian stress-tests
Stress tests of the Belgian nuclear power plants
  • Nuclear safety assistance about the flaws in the reactor pressure vessels of Doel 3 and Tihange 2:

    * Examination of the data provided by the operator Electrabel and its technical support Tractebel Engineering
    * Information of stakeholders at international level (NEA, national safety authorities, operators potentially concerned, etc.)
    * Consideration of technical evaluations in Belgium (Bel V, AIB Vinçotte, Scientific Council of the FANC) and at the international level (working group of nuclear safety authorities, international evaluation committee)
    * Writing of the provisional evaluation report about the flaws in the reactor pressure vessels, detailing the state of knowledge and their analysis, the action plan and the conclusions of the FANC
    * Briefing of the Director General and the Agency’s spokeswoman for their external communication with the media and the political class
    * Technical review of press releases prior to their publication
Cuves Doel 3 et Tihange 2
Provisional evaluation report about the flaws in the reactor pressure vessels of Doel 3 and Tihange 2
  • Radiation protection and environmental assistance for the creation of national information files for the public about discharges of radioactive effluents from Belgian nuclear facilities:

    * Examination of the requirements of the law of August 5, 2006 on public access to information about the environment
    * Creation of national public information files on radioactive effluent discharges from Belgian nuclear installations (class I and class IIA)
    * Presentation in session of the files in front of the Scientific Council of the FANC
    * Presentation in session of the files in front of the class I and class IIA licensees
    * Online publication of the first files on the FANC website
    * Briefing of the Agency’s spokeswoman for her external communication with the media and environmental associations
    * Technical review of press releases prior to their publication
Rejets des installations de classe I
National public information report about radioactive effluent discharges from class I nuclear facilities in Belgium
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the regulation of the decommissioning of nuclear facilities:

    * Writing of amendments to integrate the decommissioning of nuclear installations into the Royal Decree of 30 November 2011 about the safety requirements of nuclear installations (ARPSIN)
    * Writing of an application guide about the decommissioning of nuclear installations associated with the proposed amendments
  • Nuclear safety and quality assistance for the preparation of the Belgian nuclear safety authority in view of the Integrated Regulatory Review Service of IAEA (processes dealing with operating experience feedback, safety culture and graded approach):

    * Understanding of the IAEA’s expectations on the three topics (GSR, GS, SSG)
    * Review of the results of similar audits previously carried out with the Belgian and Swiss nuclear safety authorities
    * Formulation of recommendations for the improvement of the internal processes of the Agency in view of the audit

  • Calculations of radiological consequences for the Martian probe Project NetLander (Centre National d’Études Spatiales at Kourou, French Guyana) :

    * Study of the accidental release of gaseous tritium (HT) and super-heavy water (T2O) in case of explosion when launching the probe
    * Calculation of the radiological consequences on the Ariane launch pad and at the site boundary (GAZAXI software)
    * Decision support for the selection of technologies to be used and protective measures to be provided
NetLander discovering Mars
  • Fire hazard analysis for the AGATE Project (Atelier de Gestion Avancée et de Traitement des Effluents – INB 171) in design phase on the CEA resarch centre at Cadarache:

    * Examination of the draft 2001 revision of the Fundamental Safety Rule I.4.a
    * Assessment of the impact on the installation design
    * Orientation of the installation layout
    * Definition of fire zoning and sectorization
  • Calculations of radiation protection and radiological consequences for the AGATE Project (Atelier de Gestion Avancée et de Traitement des Effluents – INB 171) in design phase on the CEA resarch centre at Cadarache:

    * Writing of the technical specification for external radiation protection calculations
    * Realization of sizing calculations for concrete walls and slabs and shielding windows (MICROSHIELD software)
    * Review and modification of the preliminary radiological zoning
    * Writing of the technical specification for the calculations of radiological consequences in the installation and in the environment
    * Carrying out radiological consequences calculations in the event of an earthquake, fire or effluent spreading (GAZAXI and MARGO software)
    * Determination of ventilation families in the premises in normal and accident situations
Dose rate calculations with Microshield
  • Formation CEFRI / Research Center type risk prevention training at the Cadarache training center:

    * Animation of initial training (5 days), retraining (2 days) and transition training (2 days)
    * Theoretical classroom lessons: specificities of CEA research centers, conventional risks, radiological risks, entering and leaving restricted areas, work in restricted areas, what to do in emergency situations
    * Practical lessons in the field inside a nuclear installation: conventional risk analysis and preparation of a prevention plan, entry-exit rules for restricted areas, radiological measurements of irradiation and surface contamination, specialized intervention outfits, practical interventions on mock-up equipment
  • Writing of chapters of the safety analysis report of Basin 8 nuclear facility in design in the Port of Brest for the French Navy:

    * Description of the ventilation system of the installation
    * Description of the radioactive effluents management system
    * Description of the compressed air distribution system
    * Description of the argon / CO2 distribution system
Bassin 8 du Port de Brest
Nuclear submarine in maintenance at Basin 8 of the Port of Brest (France)

  • Technical and management support to the prime contractor of the EPR OL3 reactor in the commissioning phase on the Olkiluoto site:

    * Incident management: overhaul of the unexpected incident management process (simplification, optimization, efficiency and response time), investigation and assessment of unexpected events (commissioning, operation, maintenance) and proposal for corrective actions, follow-up of corrective actions implementation in the field, overall assessment of events and definition of priorities, identification of root causes and proposal for preventive actions, dissemination of lessons learned in the supplier’s teams and their contractors
    * Nuclear safety culture (NSC): collection and processing of weak signals (events and near-misses, deviations, violations of procedures, shortcuts…), promotion of the semi-annual NSC survey among the plant owner, the supplier and the contractors, assessment of the NSC survey results and proposal for corrective action plan with priorities (roles and responsibilities, communication, procedure adherence, training…), presentation of the NSC survey results to the contractors
    * Organization and management: writing and negotiation of a core procedure for the organization of the nuclear safety integrated team (plant supplier + plant owner) (organization charts, roles and responsibilities, allocation of tasks, skills requirements…), optimization of the meetings within the nuclear safety team (attendants and back-ups, guidelines…), update of the bar-chart for open positions and associated budget, writing of requisition files to recruit new nuclear safety team members, review of operational procedures (lock-out / tag-out, permit to work, permit to test, fault notifications…), participation to workshops to simplify and optimize selected processes
    * Technical specifications: review and reporting of discrepancies between documents, assessment of preventive maintenance activities and their compliance with the requirements (scheduling of the maintenance vs plant modes, completion times, need for deviation requests to the nuclear safety authority STUK…)
    * Oversight: writing of an inspection procedure, participation in focused inspections in the field (main control room, entrance of the reactor building, common outdoor areas…) in conjunction with HSE and site management, root cause analysis about rules enforcement and sanctions policy
    * HSE: participation to the weekly HSE meetings, close collaboration for common HSE / nuclear safety topics (lock-out / tag-out, fire protection, chemicals, events reporting, collection and sharing of weak signals…), nuclear safety training of HSE officers
    * Radiation protection (RP): close collaboration for common radiation protection / nuclear safety topics (radiological zoning, reporting of events to the nuclear safety authority STUK)
    * Foreign material exclusion (FME): assessment of issues based on OSART / WANO reports, event reports, staff interviews and walkdowns in the field, proposal for a remedial plan before the first fuel loading, nuclear safety training of FME officers
    * Training: design, organization and performance of tailor-made training modules (nuclear safety, technical specifications), feedback on existing training modules (HSE and RP inductions, nuclear professionalism, human performance tools, foreign material exclusion, confined space…), review of the training strategy and proposal for improvements
    * Communication: writing of a nuclear safety joint statement (“policy”) for the OL3 project, writing of safety awareness messages, various presentations in technical and project meetings, active involvement in the “Safety Day” activities on the site
Olkiluoto nuclear power plant (Finland)

Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
  • Management (group leader) of the Reactor Installations Radiation Protection Group #2 at the Cadarache center (INB 92, INB 24, INB 42, INB 95, INB 39, INB 41, INB 25, Laboratory 230, Vulcano Laboratory):

    * Supervision of 12 radiation protection technicians
    * Technical assistance to operators and service providers
    * Oversight of periodic regulatory inspections and tests
    * Response to requests from the nuclear safety authority relating to radiation protection
    * Radiation protection training for operating personnel
    * Development of the radiological nuisance weighting method applied inside the Center (exposition sheets)
Optical reading pen-dosimeter and its electrostatic charger
  • Safety management (installation safety engineer and criticality correspondent) and quality management (quality assurance correspondent) in the Operation Department of the LEFCA (Laboratoire d’Études et de Fabrications expérimentales de Combustibles Avancés – INB 123) at the Cadarache center:

    * Revision of all technical prescriptions
    * Writing of the installation’s annual nuclear safety report
    * Implementation of the skills management approach with respect to nuclear related positions within the organization
    * Oversight of nuclear material inventory operations
    * Writing of incident reports to the nuclear safety authority
    * Processing of non-compliance files
    * Creation of the quality action plan and quality indicators
    * Analysis of quality audit reports
  • Nuclear safety assistance to the renovation project of the LECA (Laboratoire d’Examen des Combustibles Actifs – INB 55) at the Cadarache center:

    * Revision and distribution of the safety analysis report of the renovated LECA
    * Revision and distribution of the safety file for phase 1 works
    * Assessment of additional safety notes (fire, radiological consequences, airplane crash, mechanics, etc.)
    * Preparation and summary of technical safety meetings (earthquake resistance, source term, radiation protection, etc.)
  • Technical and regulatory feasibility study of the ROCADE Project to take charge of new types of radioactive waste and carry out new activities in the Rotonde (ICPE 801) at the Cadarache center:

    * Examination of the specification for the management of new waste and the realization of new activities in the installation
    * Analysis of the existing regulatory framework: prefectural authorization order, public inquiry file (descriptive notice, hazard study, impact study, health and safety notice, non-technical summary, public information leaflet)
    * Analysis of the installation’s documentary referential (operating and maintenance procedures, service procedures, rules applicable to the Center, etc.)
    * Detailed study of the project’s compliance with applicable standards, including the technical feasibility of the planned operations
    * Writing of a summary table and a reasoned note listing the actions to be carried out and the particular points of vigilance
  • Preparation of the experience feedback about the pre-filters of the shielded cells of the LECA (INB 55) at the Cadarache center:

    * Examination of operating documents (waste tracking sheets, nuclear materials tracking sheets, pre-filter replacement schedules)
    * Extraction and compilation of relevant data (duration of use of pre-filters, dose rates, masses of nuclear materials)
    * Analysis of results and discussion
    * Writing of a position paper for the safety authority to relax the pre-filter replacement interval
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the use of dual connection pots on the ULISSE UF6 ICPE on the ORANO center in Pierrelatte:

    * Analysis of the risks associated with the use of double connection pots
    * Update of the safety instructions in force on the installation
  • Nuclear safety and radiation protection assistance for the development of a uranium storage and conditioning room annexed to the MENELAS ICPE on the ORANO center in Pierrelatte:

    * Writing of a risk analysis integrating potential accident scenarios
    * Realization of radiological consequences calculations for personnel in the event of an accidental UF6 leak in the room and definition of the required ventilation class
    * Realization of dose rate calculations (MICROSHIELD) to support the layout of the room, and determination of the radiological zoning
  • Radiation protection assistance for the recovery and conditioning of radioactive waste as part of the FOSSEA project on the Cadarache center:

    * Carrying out iterative dose rate calculations (MICROSHIELD) for the sizing of protective screens in different operating configurations
  • Technical assistance for the response to the call for tenders for the dismantling of the graphite removal hot cell of the MAR400 installation on the INBS of the Marcoule center:

    * Participation in technical meetings with stakeholders
    * Writing of technical questions to specify the input data of the call for tenders
    * Participation in the writing of the technical offer

  • Technical assistance for the examination of the nuclear safety referential for the decommissioning and dismantling of the ATPu (Atelier de Technologie du Plutonium – INB 32) and LPC (Laboratoire de Purification Chimique – INB 54) on the CEA center in Cadarache:

    * Review of D&D nuclear safety referential for the two nuclear installations (safety analysis report, technical specifications, environmental impact study, waste study, description of the dismantling stages and justification of the chosen final state, consequences of the dismantling on the internal emergency plan)
    * Technical interface with IRSN experts and project managers from the Safety and Nuclear Materials Unit of the Cadarache Center: preparation of technical meetings, writing of technical responses on criticality, radiation protection, containment, fire, and human factor topics
    * Writing of the letter of commitments signed by the establishment following the examination of the files
    * Complements and revisions of the safety analysis reports and the technical specifications of the two installations in accordance with the commitments signed
    * Creation or modification of the operating, maintenance and safety documents of the two installations in accordance with the commitments signed
    * Writing of the draft technical requirements for the ATPu
    * Writing of the inventory of residual nuclear materials in the two installations
    * Writing of the inventory of installations maintained in operation during the first phases of dismantling
    * Writing of the report declaring the definitive shutdown of the two installations
Transfert T1 de l'ATPu
Mapping of the retentions of fissile materials (Pu + Am) in the T1 transfer of ATPu at the Cadarache center (France)
  • Preparation of the processing of nuclear materials non-compliant with the technical prescriptions of the ATPu (Atelier de Technologie du Plutonium – INB 32), the MCMF (Magasin Central des Matières Fissiles – INB 53) and the LEFCA (Laboratoire d’Études et de Fabrications expérimentales de Combustibles Avancés – INB 123) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Definition of the process within the ATPu: determination of the path of nuclear materials, choice of cells and equipment used, etc.
    * Writing of criticality diagrams with associated control modes for the entire process
    * Writing of the risk analysis on the treatment of nuclear materials non-compliant with the technical prescriptions
    * Writing of the draft technical specifications for the ATPu
  • Preparation of the specific manufacturing campaign EUROFAB (MOX for Peace) at ATPu (INB 32) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Revision of the safety analysis report of the installation
    * Revision of the technical specifications
    * Writing of the draft technical prescriptions
    * Revision of nuclear materials tracking sheets
    * Revision of safety instruction sheets
    * Risk analysis for the recycling of raw products
    * Risk analysis for the reduction of the nominal diameter of the pellets
    * Writing of a note tracking the implementation of the requirements of the Safety Authority into the ATPu operating documents
Pellet of mixed oxides of plutonium and uranium (MOX)
  • Assessment of the modification safety cases of the ATPu (INB 32) and LPC (INB 54) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Repackaging of the PuO2 (ATPu cells 4 and 12)
    * Creation of a decontamination and volume reduction chain (ATPu cell 4)
    * Commissioning of the UO2 applied development unit (ATPu cell 20)
    * Arrangement of the dismantling cell (ATPu cell 5)
    * Installation of a glove box for drying decontamination smears (ATPu cell 14)
    * Installation of a storage for rich active waste (ATPu room 010)
    * Moving of the helitest (ATPu cell 31)
    * Assessment of the fire load density (ATPu cells 20, 30 and 122)
    * Creation of a gamma spectrometry station for radioactive waste drums (LPC cell 1)
    * Inventory of neutron poisons used in ATPu and LPC
    * Consideration of vinyl in the interstitial moderation of waste storage
  • Technical assistance for the response to the call for tenders for the dismantling of the UDG (Usines de Diffusion Gazeuse) at ORANO Pierrelatte center:

    * Writing of the table of content of the “Removal and storage” safety file for the decontamination of annexes at risk of criticality and ClF3
    * Writing of the table of content of the “Transport” safety file for the decontamination of annexes at risk of criticality and ClF3
    * Writing of the table of content of the safety file “Treatment of fabricated equipment at risk of criticality” for the decontamination of annexes at risk of criticality and ClF3
    * Cost calculation of the “Safety files” item for the décontamination project of annexes at risk of criticality and ClF3
  • Feasibility study for the development of cell 20 of ATPu (INB 32) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Analysis of the equipment transfer project to cell 20
    * Inventory and review of the safety criteria applicable to the project
    * Proposal of development plans for the destination premises: process area, access and changing rooms, equipment / materials airlock, etc.
    * Preliminary sizing study of static containment systems, ventilation / filtration, radiation protection detection, etc.
    * Pre-consultation with suppliers and estimate of overall costs
  • Optimization of external exposure at ATPu (INB 32) workstations at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Analysis of personnel dosimetry
    * Determination of the most penalizing workstations
    * Analysis of workstations with respect to radiation protection
    * Proposal of actions for technical and organizational improvement
    * Sizing of gamma / neutron shields and technical and financial evaluation
    * Creation of an awareness guide for the use of personnel exposed to radiation
Assemblage combustible
Nuclear fuel assembly
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the feasibility study of the treatment and conditioning of gaseous diffusion barriers at the Georges Besse plant (EURODIF – INB 93) at the ORANO center in Pierrelatte:

    * Critical examination of a preliminary study on the dismantling scenario envisaged by the operator
    * Writing of a risk analysis defining the nuclear safety options for the removal, transport, shredding, decontamination and packaging of diffusion barriers as waste

  • Nuclear safety assistance for the response to the call for tenders for a “construction management-as-agent” for the construction of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor – INB 174):

    * Review of the specification requirements
    * Writing of the technical offer for the nuclear safety topic
    * Preparation of a slide show and recording of a video presentation of the offer to the ITER Organization for the nuclear safety topic

  • Technical assistance for the response to the call for tenders for the dismantling of the LPC (Laboratoire de Purification Chimique – INB 54) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Analysis of the specifications requirements
    * Analysis of the applicable nuclear safety referential
    * Consideration of experience feedback from similar operations carried out at the ORANO center in Marcoule
    * Development of intervention scenarios by type of dismantling activity: equipment in safe geometry, poisoned tanks, tanks moderated with bitumen, conventional tanks, piping and glove boxes
    * Definition of occupational safety, radiation protection and nuclear safety rules to be observed
    * Writing of the corresponding chapters in the final technical offer
  • Technical assistance for the response to the calls for tenders for the operation of the Rotonde (ICPE 801) and Pégase-Cascad (INB 22) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Analysis of the specifications requirements
    * Writing of the technical deliverables (operation, maintenance)
    * Writing of quality deliverables (organization, quality assurance, contract monitoring)
    * Writing of the occupational safety and nuclear safety deliverables
  • Occupational safety assistance for the operation of the radioactive waste (STD) and radioactive liquid effluent (STEL) treatment stations (INB 37 and ICPE 312) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Establishment of safety protocols (loading / unloading of goods) for external transport
    * Preparation of the regulatory watch on health, safety and working conditions (OHSAS 18001)
    * Monitoring of the safety visits and associated action plan
    * Preparation of an exemption request file for CAMARI
    * Writing of a study note for the ventilation families of the effluent treatment plant according to the ISO 17873 standard
    * Processing of ongoing requests for the CEA: FMEA, chemicals, SPR-PCR radiation protection convention, etc.
    * Preparation of audits: CEFRI, radiation protection
Vallée des cuves de la STE
Valley of tanks of the STE at Cadarache center (France)
  • Quality / methods assistance for the operation of the radioactive waste (STD) and radioactive liquid effluent (STEL) treatment stations (INB 37 and ICPE 312) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Review of operating and maintenance documents and update of applicable documents
    * Writing of the list of operating and maintenance positions in the Cadarache Exploitation Sector
    * Creation of mentoring booklets for STEL, STD and ICPE, and writing of the associated procedure
    * Writing of a template of standard specifications for calls for tenders
    * Revision of maintenance procedures for the installations and LR transport tanks
    * Pre-feasibility study for the development of the waste package storage area on the STD, and writing of the corresponding specifications
    * Processing of ongoing requests for the CEA: management of spare parts, technical improvements, maintenance procedures, etc.
    * Preparation of audits: CAEAR, quality order
    * Preparation of annual contractual meetings
  • Technical assistance for the final shutdown of INB 37 (STD part) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Writing of the experience feedback and history of the radioactive waste incinerator
    * Writing of the experience feedback and history of MI storage (moderately irradiating)
    * Writing of the experience feedback and history of the C1 dismantling unit
    * Writing of the inventory for the securing of the C1 dismantling unit
    * Writing of the experience feedback and history of the 250 T press
    * Writing of the inventory before the final shutdown of the 250 T press
Schéma de la presse 250 T
Diagram of the STD’s 250 T press for compacting radioactive waste at the Cadarache center (France)
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the operation of the radioactive waste (STD) and radioactive liquid effluent (STEL) treatment stations (INB 37 and ICPE 312) at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Proposal of a methodology for dealing with the risks of chemical incompatibilities
    * Implementation on the installations during the operating and maintenance phases
  • Quality assistance for the operation and maintenance of the radioactive waste (STD) and radioactive liquid effluent (STEL) treatment stations (INB 37 and ICPE 312), and the maintenance of the LR transport tanks of the Transport Office at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Summary of all contractual commitments to the client
    * Business follow-up
    * Update of operating and maintenance documents
    * Quality surveillance
    * Writing of specific quality assurance plans
  • Technical assistance for the response to the call for tenders for the operation and maintenance of the INB 37 (STD part) and ICPE 312, and the maintenance of the LR transport tanks of the Transport Office at CEA Cadarache center:

    * Technical offer for the maintenance of INB 37 (STD part), ICPE 312 and LR transport tanks of the Transport Office
    * Technical offer for the occupational safety, radiation protection and nuclear safety topics
    * Technical offer for the environment topic
Entreposage STD
Storage of radioactive waste packages at the STD at the Cadarache center (France)

Tractebel Engie
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the implementation of technical and administrative independence of the spent fuel storage facility (water-basin type) attached to Electrabel nuclear reactor unit Tihange 3:

    * Consolidation of the project’s nuclear safety requirements (Belgian and American regulations, IAEA, WENRA, etc.)
    * Nuclear safety support to competence centers responsible for pre-feasibility studies, and verification of their technical deliverables (cooling systems and other utilities, HVAC, fire, electricity, instrumentation and control, solid and liquid radioactive waste management)
    * Drafting of nuclear safety concept notes for the design of new buildings and ancillary systems (control room, diesel generators, effluents and waste, etc.)
    * Examination of administrative scenarios for modifying the operating license (royal decree)
    * Coordination of additional safety studies (calculations of radiological consequences, graded approach, combinations of independent, induced and correlated events, safety classifications and qualifications of systems…)
    * Various presentations with the licensee and the Belgian nuclear safety authority FANC/Bel V)
    * Technical negotiations with FANC/Bel V as part of the pre-licensing process
Independence of the DE building
Independence of the DE building at Tihange NPP (Belgium)
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the implementation of technical and administrative independence of the spent fuel building attached to Electrabel nuclear reactor unit Doel 4:

    * Analysis of the nuclear safety functions to be provided by the building and/or by the dual-purpose spent fuel transport and storage casks
    * Analysis of the postulated initiating events of internal and external origin likely to affect the facility, and qualitative assessment of the acceptability of the consequences for the public and the environment
    * Examination of the possibilities for nuclear safety optimization, with proposals for possible arguments, identification of conditions and possible counterparties
    * Summary of the minimum nuclear safety requirements to be met for the project in the exploratory phase
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the calculation of radiological consequences to the population during the dismantling of Electrabel nuclear reactor units Doel 3 and Tihange 2:

    * Drafting of a calculation note in case of earthquake affecting the sites of Doel and Tihange
    * Verification of a calculation note in case of fire in the reactor buildings at Doel 3 and Tihange 2
    * Verification of a calculation note in case of drop of load at Doel 3 and Tihange 2
    * Update of the safety analysis report
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the irradiation calculations of safety-related electrical switchboards in case of LOCA at Electrabel nuclear reactor unit Tihange 2:

    * Drafting of a calculation note showing if the maximum qualification dose delivered to the equipment is not exceeded
    * Proposal of possible actions to reduce the doses integrated by the equipment (shielding)
Irradiation of the safety related electrical boards TAg1/S1 and TAm1/S1 by carbon filters in case of LOCA

Irradiation of the safety-related electrical boards TAg1/S1 and TAm1/S1 by carbon filters in case of LOCA
  • Nuclear safety assistance for the calculation of radiological consequences to the population in case of feedwater pipe rupture at Electrabel nuclear reactor unit Tihange 1:

    * Methodologic support to a junior engineer
    * Verification of his technical note
    * Update of the safety analysis report
  • Fire safety assistance for the qualification of a software under development dedicated to the numerical simulation of the propagation of a fire in a nuclear power plant:

    * Analysis of the technical specifications of Electrabel Tihange 1 and 2 reactor units and definition of equipment and systems to be protected from fire according to the operating modes of the units (number of trains required)
    * Review of the software: consideration of the input data of the specifications (assumptions, underlying equations, objectives, data to be entered in the software, expected results, etc.), verification of the validity of the assumptions considered
    * Testing of the software: development of a unit and complex test plan covering all possible configurations, implementation of tests, restitution of results and discussion with stakeholders, monitoring of corrective actions to be implemented
    * Justification of the methodology adopted: writing of technical arguments for the technical support of the Belgian Nuclear Safety Authority (Bel V)
Variation of temperature along time
  • Fire safety assistance for the LTO (long term operation) project of Electrabel Tihange 1 nuclear reactor:

    * Writing of two justification notes by calculating the absence of aggression of a CSC or VBP fan motor in the event of a fire starting on the other redundant fan motor
  • Technical assistance for the preliminary design of the fire-fighting system of the Rodenhuize pumping station:

    * Review of input data provided by the operator
    * Formulation of additional technical requests for preparatory scoping meetings with the client

Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN)
  • Nuclear Safety assessment of D&D operations of the TU2 workshop (individual installation #12 of the military nuclear facility of the ORANO center in Pierrelatte):

    * Examination of the D&D safety referential provided by the operator: safety analysis report, technical specifications, waste study, environmental impact study, justification of the final state chosen, impact on the internal emergency plan of the site
    * Technical discussions with the operator: installation visits, technical meetings, drafting of 80 additional questions
    * Assessment of the safety of the decommissioning activities: nuclear risks, non-nuclear risks of internal and external origins, human and organizational factors, radiological impact, effluent and waste management
    * Writing of the technical safety assessment report: requests for supplements and modifications to the nuclear safety referential of the operator prior to the release of the final report, writing of a reasoned technical report allowing the Defense Nuclear Safety Authority to establish its additional requirements and notify them to the operator
  • Feasibility study of an experimental program on the weakly moderated MOX:

    * Examination of the preliminary project (sub-critical model)
    * Assessment of available nuclear materials and facilities required to manufacture the experimental device
    * Amendments to the initial project (fuel enrichment, pellet diameter, number of fuel rods, etc.)
    * Inventory of nuclear safety requirements at the stages of manufacture, transport, and experimentation
    * Proposal of arrangements in the receiving facility: material airlock, fissile materials storage, experimentation hall, handling equipment, etc.
    * Pre-sizing of gamma and neutron radiation shielding at the experimental device assembly station
    * Proposal of an operating mode for setting up and modifying the experimental device

Université Aix-Marseille
  • Training in the writing of nuclear safety options files (DOS) and preliminary safety reports (RPrS) of “Prevention and nuclear safety” professional bachelor’s graduate students:

    * Requirements of the TSN law relating to nuclear transparency and security, and associated decrees
    * Purpose and content of DOS and RPrS
    * Influence of the technical choices made in the design of a nuclear installation
    * Examples of nuclear safety options relating to risks of internal and external origin: containment of radioactive materials, external exposure to ionizing radiation, criticality, fire, earthquake, etc.
  • Training in risk analysis and risk management of “Prevention coordinator” professional bachelor’s graduate students:

    * Labor Code requirements
    * General methodology for risk analysis and risk management
    * Hazard identification
    * Risk assessment
    * Risk control: preventive measures
    * Management of residual risks: detection / monitoring measures, and consequence limitation measures
    * Weighted multi-criteria decision support method
    * Planning and follow-up of approved measures
  • Evaluation of the final year internships of the D.U.T. Hygiene-Safety-Environment undergraduate students – Factories and laboratories:

    * CERN Geneva – Assistance tool for on-call radiation protection staff
    * CEA Grenoble – Application of the decree of November 5, 2001 in ICPE B015
    * COGEMA Pierrelatte – Radiological zoning
    * COGEMA Marcoule – Mentoring in radiation protection
    * COGEMA Marcoule – Radiological monitoring devices in a nuclear facility
    * COMURHEX Malvési – Study of the radiological impacts of a fire in the refining workshop
    * EURODIF Tricastin – Application of the decree of November 5, 2001
    * FBFC Romans – Influence of radon on atmospheric contamination measurements
    * FBFC Romans – Revision of part 1 of the waste study
    * FBFC Pierrelatte – Management of end-of-life standard radioactive sources
    * SOCATRI Pierrelatte – Studies of decontamination stations
  • Evaluation of the final year internships of the D.U.T. Hygiene-Safety-Environment undergraduate students – Nuclear reactors :

    * EDF St Alban NPP – Study of the dosimetric duty station
    * EDF St Alban NPP – Study of activities for which an ALARA approach has been applied
    * EDF Tricastin NPP – Improving the efficiency of radiological cleanliness controls

Lyondell Basell
  • Radiation protection training about sealed radioactive sources of Cobalt 60 at the Fos-sur-Mer site :

    * Radioactivity and ionizing radiation
    * Modes of radiation exposure
    * Biological effects of radiation
    * Radiation detection and measurement
    * Protection from radiation
    * Regulations
    * What to do in the event of an incident / accident
    * Application to sealed sources (level gauges on chemical reactors and storage tanks)

Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace
  • Nuclear safety training of the officer cadets from the Military Air School of Salon-de-Provence:

    * Fundamentals of nuclear safety
    * Organization of nuclear safety in France
    * External and internal aggressions
    * Nuclear safety analysis
    * Nuclear safety in design, construction, operation and deconstruction
    * Radioactive waste
    * Transport of radioactive materials
    * Human and organizational factors
  • Radiation protection training of the officer cadets from the Military Air School of Salon-de-Provence:

    * Radioactivity and nuclear reactions
    * Radiation-matter interactions
    * Detection and measurement techniques
    * Biological effects of ionizing radiation
    * Physical measures and units
    * Sources of ionizing radiation and applications
    * Protection against external irradiation
    * Protection against external and internal contamination
    * Regulatory basis
    * Key-people in radiation protection
    * Radiation protection management
  • Risk analysis training of the officer cadets from the Military Air School of Salon-de-Provence:

    * Labor Code requirements
    * General risk analysis methodology
    * Hazard identification
    * Risk assessment
    * Risk control: prevention
    * Management of residual risks: detection / monitoring, and limitation of consequences
Armée de l'air
French Air Force at Salon-de-Provence (France)